In December 2019, RefugePoint organized a community strategy training for Community Navigators to ensure grassroots level access to maternal health information.
Co-facilitated by the Kenyan Ministry of Health, the training focused on facilitation and presentation skills to enable Community Navigators to conduct community trainings throughout Nairobi, Kenya. Topics that were covered during the training included:
- Maternal nutrition
- Pregnancy danger signs, identification, and management
- Immunizations during pregnancy and newborn immunizations
- Linking pregnant women with health facilities and referral pathways

After the December 2019 community strategy training, the outreach team conducted field sessions in various locations throughout Nairobi to share the knowledge gained during the training. The sessions were led by the Community Navigators, with support from the medical and outreach teams.
One training, which focused specifically on pregnant women and women with children under five, was held in Eastleigh (a neighborhood of Nairobi, Kenya), on February 25. That training covered topics including the immunization of children under-five, pregnancy and nutrition, danger signs in pregnancy, and sexual and gender-based violence. The team also monitored the blood pressure of the 38 participants and referred those with abnormal readings to the hospital.