
RefugePoint publications & articles Partner publications


  • Strengthening evidence for refugee self-reliance programming (Simar Singh, September 2024)

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  • Expanding the Meaningful Engagement of Refugee-Led Organizations in Kenya (November 2023, Refugee Self-Reliance Initiative and RefugePoint)

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  • Measuring and Facilitating Self-Reliance (January 2023, Amy Slaughter, Kellie C Leeson, and Dale Buscher)

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  • Self-Reliance Evidence Review: Selected Findings and Recommendations (December 2021, Simar Singh, Solenne Delga, Camille Strauss-Kahn, and Rachel Furlow)

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  • World Economic Forum (August 27, 2020, Sasha Chanoff and Amy Slaughter): How to build refugee self-reliance during COVID-19

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  • Fostering Refugee Self-reliance: A Case Study of an Agency’s Approach in Nairobi (Journal of Refugee Studies, August 2019, Amy G Slaughter).

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  • Journal of Refugee Studies (Vol 30, Issue 1, March 2017, Martin Anderson, Natalie Anderson and Amy Slaughter): Developing and Validating the Refugee Integration Scale in Nairobi, Kenya

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  • Evaluation Connections, European Evaluation Society (October 2017, Amy Slaughter): The Case for Measuring Refugee Self-Reliance

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  • UNHCR New Issues in Refugee Research (January 2012, Martin Anderson): The cost of living: an analysis of the time and money spent by refugee accessing services in Nairobi

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  • Oxford Refugee Studies Centre Brief (October 13, 2017, Amy Slaughter and Kellie Leeson): How do we measure refugee self-reliance?

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Resettlement & Other Pathways

  • Preserving the Humanitarian Nature of Resettlement (Martin Anderson and Amy Slaughter, June 2021): An Analysis of 2018-2020 Resettlement Data

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  • Forced Migration Review (Issue 54, February 2017, Amy Slaughter): How NGOs have helped shape resettlement

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  • UNHCR-NGO Toolkit for Practical Cooperation on Resettlement (2011, updated in 2015). RefugePoint was a co-creator of this toolkit.

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  • UNHCR (June 2015, Johanna Babb): NGO Collaboration Around Resettlement Identification

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  • The Solutions Journal (March 2012, Amy Slaughter): Making resettlement possible for the world’s most at-risk refugees

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  • Capacity Assessment of Community-Based Organizations in Nairobi (July 2021)

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  • COVID-19 Impact Report (March 29, 2021): How NGOs can support refugees to withstand the shocks of the COVID-19 pandemic

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  • USA Today (February 4, 2021): After Trump disgrace, Biden reopens door to refugees and Americans who want to help them

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  • Challenges related to LGBTIQ+ refugees and shelter in urban contexts (January 2020, Hester Moore and Beth Waruiru)

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  • DISAGGREGATING LGBTIQ PROTECTION CONCERNS: Experiences of refugee communities in Nairobi (July 2018, Hester Moore).

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  • Forced Migration Review (Issue 58, June 2018, Hester Moore): Lessons from LGBTIQ refugee-led community-based organizations

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  • Geneva Global: How Two Leaders are Changing the Refugee Sector (March 19, 2018, Kelly Lyons).

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  • Boston Voyager (March 6, 2018): Meet Amy Slaughter of RefugePoint in Cambridge

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  • Sasha Chanoff quoted in the Washington Post (December 26, 2017, Kevin Sieff): Trump’s new suspension of refugees leaves some at risk of dying, doctors say

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  • Sasha featured in Forbes (October 13, 2017, Ben Schawbel): How Leaders Can Handle A Crisis With Confidence

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  • USA Today: Slashing refugee admissions would be tragic and irrational (September 20, 2017, Sasha Chanoff)

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  • USA Today (February 6, 2016, Sasha Chanoff): Trump highlights a North Korean refugee and his own stunning hypocrisy

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  • Forced Migration Review (Issue 35, July 2010, Devon Cone): Shifting Community Views: reducing stigma in Dadaab

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Resettlement & Other Pathways

  • U.S. Department of State, The U.S. Refugee Admissions Program

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  • Human Rights First (July 27, 2017): US Leadership Forsaken: Six Months of the Trump Refugee Bans

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  • Five Organisational Pathways for Enabling Meaningful Refugee Participation (June 2024)

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